Uploading with Filezilla Print

  • ServerPilot
  • 7

Once you've installed Filezilla you can set it up so you can upload files to your server.
  1. To SFTP into your server, click on File > Site Manager.

  2. Click New Site.
  3. Enter your server's IP address in the Host field. Enter port 22 in the Port field. Select normal for the Logon Type. Enter the username as serverpilot (or one of your other system users) and enter the password.

  4. Click Connect.

  5. Since this is your first time connecting to your server, check the box next to Always and click Allow in the Unknown Fingerprint popup.

Filezilla makes it easy to upload files to your apps. Simply drag them from their existing location and drop them into the app's location on your server.

For example, if you created an app named "APPNAME", that app's web root directory (the directory you place its files in) will be in: /apps/APPNAME/public

By default, ServerPilot uploads an "index.php" file in that directory, you can replace that file with your own.

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